Sermon, October 11, 2020
Rev. Elroy Christoper
all are invited
Matthew 22: 1-14
Some years ago, a pastor announced a pending wedding. After going through the required details, he ended by saying ALL ARE INVITED. He did not make it clear that all were invited to the church service but NOT the banquet that followed. There would have been a serious dilemma if several turned up to the reception uninvited by the host.
Not many persons when invited to a party or banquet it is not usual to stop and consider what goes into making the event a success . preparing the venue ensuring that there is enough to eat and drink and that the consumables are properly prepared planning the guest this ensuring that there are persons to take care of surfing and other needs of the guests . Often !the focus is on attending and having a good time
In the gospel reading Jesus told the parables of the Wedding Feast.
These parables form part of Jesus response to the question put to him about the source of His authority 21:23. As Matthew records them, he told the parable of the two sons, who were sent to work in their fathers fields. One said he would but did not, the other said he would not, but then he went.
He followed with the parable of the tenants, who ult who rebelled against the landowner and ultimately killed His son.
Jesus told these Parables using imagery that were familiar to them, so that those who questioned His authority would understand what he was speaking about.
Now we come to the parable of the Wedding Banquet.
in this parable servants were sent out to invite guests to the King's banquet which he Was about to host for his son . He gave them authority to speak on his behalf, which effectively made them his ambassadors with full authority to speak for him, for that is what an ambassador does.
When a country appoints and sends an ambassador to its representative to another country that person is the official voice of his country. That person speaks and acts on the authority of his government and becomes the face and voice of his government to the other county.
So, when the king sent his servants to invite persons to the wedding banquet being put on for his son, it was in fact his personal word and invitation and It was and still is valid in every sense of the word
Jesus is saying his listeners and by extension to us that God appoints and authorizes his servants, his ambassadors to summon those invited to participate in the Banquet. That means the prophets of old. and the church today, the faithful have been entrusted with the important mission to proclaim the message of salvation to all the world.
As ambassadors of God through Jesus Christ, who himself was sent into the world to offer salvation to humankind, we must commit to being faithful to the mission entrusted to us. As recorded in Mark’s Gospel 16:15 Jesus stated that mission: Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.
So even when there are questions concerning where the church and it constituent members got the authority to bear the message, or when there is no positive response, even when there are disappointments, even when there are negative criticism or hostility, we ought not to be discouraged because we know that our mission is important.
So, armed with that knowledge we must not grow weary in well doing, but go as we are sent.
The question to consider is this: to whom are we taking this message?
According to the parable, the invitation first went out to a specific group, but they did not go as invited. Again, servants were sent to say, ever thing is prepared just awaiting your arrival. Instead of going, they found other things that seemed more important to them. one went to his field, another to his business. They were preoccupied with the own agenda, so much so that they turned down the opportunity to be part of a banquet where they would be served the best there was. Not only did they ignore the invitation and go their own way, some mistreated and killed some of the servants, the ambassadors, to which the king responded by destroying and burning their cities.
They rejected the messengers, the message, the invitation, but what they really did was reject the King, God.
You see, prophets were persecuted and killed, many of our church fathers suffered immensely for the faith, some were killed. The church today is ridiculed, and Christians being imprisoned and persecuted in some places. Although God is always displeased with such things, we know that OUR GOD IS GRACIOUS, OUR GOD IS MERCIFUL AND OUR GOD IS ONE WHO FORGIVES.
Despite the rejections, the invitation is still extended – Come to the wedding banquet!
So, he sends to the street corners, the alleys and byways to invite any who would listen persons from every walk of life, to fill the banquet hall.
The faith community has been entrusted with this important mission to go into all the world, to reach persons of all social standings, the rich, the poor, the educated, the uneducated, those who doubt , the rebellious and those who are carefree with their lives. it is our mission to proclaim the message of salvation at every opportunity and invite all to God’s great Banquet Hall.
As in the parable there are those who will ignore the call and turn to other things, but God continues to reach out to all with the gracious offer of grace and salvation that is free. His offer is not like a trend that has developed in recent times that you may be invited to a party of some kind, but are expected to make a contribution of a specific amount to assist with defraying the cost of the event.
Not so with God
Through the prophet Isaiah, god issues an invitation, “Come, all you who are thirsty, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come, buy and eat! Come, buy win and mild without money and without cost.”
It is wonderful to know that grace is not for sale and salvation is available to not cost to us
Years later, Paul wrote to the church at Ephesus these words: “For he (God) chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has FREELY given us in the One he loves.
We are to be obedient in going with prayerful anticipation that those to whom we are sent will accept His gracious invitation Jesus went on to speak of the man who accepted the invitation but was not dressed in the appropriate wedding garment
The king addressed him: Friend, how did you get in here without wedding clothes? The man was speechless. Having no excuse of reason, he was evicted from the banquet.
It is the custom In many societies to be attired in clothing appropriate for different occasions and events . some women would purchase a new outfit while men tend to recycle their outfits.
In any case the appearance and outfit tend to be picture perfect .
None of us is perfect but we can and should to strive toward greater holiness in our living, not rejoicing in nor celebrating ungodliness, not reveling in the ways of the world not being overwhelmed by who we are nor overwhelmed by our accomplishments or the image of ourselves represent the world.
Instead my brothers and sisters as Paul says let us all (those in the church and those are not) put on the Lord Jesus Christ and make no provision for the fish to fulfill its lusts.
To be close in the garment of righteousness the righteousness of Christ is desirable and will be pleasing to God .
Today I pray that we will always be obedient to the call to serve as gods authorized messengers.
I pray that those to whom the authorized invitation is extended will respond without reservation; and I pray that we will all cloth ourselves with the authorized garment wedding garment, the righteousness of Christ.