Sermon, March 15, 2020
A meditation based on the Gospel reading
Williams T. Hitz
John 4: 5-30
The Samaritan woman in this Gospel lesson is just like us. She picked up her water pot that day and walked to the village well. Her water would be used for cooking, cleaning and other household chores.
But something was different this day in her village. There were Jewish men purchasing food from the Samaritans for their rabbi.
It was no secret that the Samaritans and Jews did not get along it was a well-known fact that the Jews would purposely avoid Samaritan villages.
The woman found the Jewish rabbi sitting alone at the well. Even more surprising, he asked her for a drink from the well. she was shocked that he spoke publicly to her for Jews and did not speak in public to women, even their own wives and daughters.
As Jesus enjoyed her hospitality, he told her that her thirst would be temporarily satisfied. He came to offer her everlasting relief with living water which she desired greatly.
When we seek Salvation, we must encounter an honest and truthful assessment of ourselves including our sins. Jesus provided not only a truthful assessment for the Samaritan woman but also provided grace and mercy for her.
Her obstacles were removed as she recognized the messiahship of Jesus. She left her water pot at the well and became the first evangelist for Jesus. She was transformed into human water pot as she ran to her village with living water and told everyone, “come and see a man who knows everything about me. Is this not the Messiah?”.
Jesus came to break barriers
in this gospel lesson we see Samaritans and Jews enjoying each other's hospitality.
A woman was accepted as an equal and vital person in society.
In these days of crisis, we here our health officials constantly reminding us too deeply wash and cleanse ourselves to prevent contamination.
We must also allow God to deeply cleanse ourselves spiritually with living water.
One of our favorite hymns is “Jesus makes my heart rejoice.” One of the stanzas states
“Trusting his mild staff always, I go in and out in peace
He will feed Me with the treasure of His grace in richest measure. When athirst to him a cry. Living water in supply”
- Amen