A Meditation
Pastor - Rev. Elroy Christopher: First Moravian Church of Georgia
FOR July 26, 2020
Based on Romans 8: 26-30
In the minds of many people, it seems that life has become impossible, incredibly stressed and at times, not worth living. So, there is despair, depression, disappointment, a feeling of being let down. Prayers are offered up for help to cope with such situations, but they seem to go unanswered, falling on deaf ears. In desperation, the question is who or what will give hope for the way forward when there seems to be none.
When we read Romans 8:6-39 we hear Paul saying: hold on, not so fast, don’t give up, there is yet hope!
Paul understood the importance of the work of the Holy Spirit in helping seeking God in our situation. Indeed, The Spirit gives the knowledge that life’s struggles can be overcome.
Earlier in the chapter he made the point that when men can trust God’s action, and are filled with the sprit of God, He, the Spirt teaches how to prayer and confirms our relationship with God.
On the other hand, those who ignore God’s actions and are only concerned with their own way of living, trusting their own abilities which not in keeping with what God wills for his people, such persons experience frustration and will seem to have no way forward. Such are left feeling that their prayers were unanswered.
That is perhaps the feeling of some people feel today; that life is making no sense, that prayers are not being answered. But instead of despair and doubt, let us seek to understand the positive things that can come out of the times and situations that confront us daily, and not the negatives. It means being open to having the Spirit of God take over the controls, while taking ourselves out of the spotlight.
Paul makes that argument in Romans 8: 26 ff which begins: 26In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.”
When we allow the Sprit to teach us how to pray, we do not use vain, empty, catchy words and phrases. He does not depend on our frame of mind or feelings because the frame of mind and feelings are just human conditions, subject to the flesh. The Spirit intercedes on our behalf, as from the depths of our beings. The prayers which come from the Spirit’s intercession are not self-centered and will therefore have meaning beyond the understanding of our finite minds. They will be centered on God and His will, whether for ourselves, for others, for situations or the world. That is where our hope is lies - in the loving will of God for His whole creation.
As the spirit helps us in our weakness and as we allow God to “take up residence in our lives”, our prayers align with the will of God in a strange yet beautiful and meaningful way. The fears and feelings that prayers are not answered will give way to a new and personal experience with God.
It is personal because God knows what is needed even before the request is made through prayer. To people of faith, he is “Abba, Father”, or we might say, “our Daddy.” He knows our struggles, our very nature including our weaknesses. That is as personal as it gets.
In this relationship, there is no need to wonder ‘what next’ or to have the experience of feeling that prayers are left unanswered. In a Spirit guided relationship, we are assured that God hears and answers our prayers according to His divine will which is always what is best for us. We are assured that nothing that his children endure, nothing in all creation can separate us from the unconditional love of God for us, as expressed in Christ Jesus our Lord. Not even death, which is feared by some, for we believe that death is a transition from this mortal state to one that is immortal, with the Father
So, my friends, do not be lose hope of be discouraged. Rather, let us always be open to God through Jesus Christ and allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us each day of our lives, no matter what.