Join Us... Let's Praise and Worship our God together.

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Welcome to First Moravian Church of Georgia


Rev. Elroy Christopher - Pastor

 We invite you to join us as we worship, serve, and celebrate
 our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 



You are all invited to come join us and celebrate our 50th anniversary!

Mark your calendar! Sunday, March 23rd, 2025 at 11:00AM.

During the service, we will have an Anniversary Lovefeast. We will also have some words from our guest speaker, Rev. Cornelius Routh, President of the P.E.C. Southern Province. After the service, we will have a potluck luncheon, special presentations and we will also be able to share stories, memorabilia, pictures and catchup on what has transpired over the years!

Each member is encouraged to make a special Anniversary Thanksgiving Gift of at least $50(one dollar for each year).



First Moravian Church of Georgia is a diverse community with members from around the world.  We established ourselves in the Smokerise Community formally on March 23, 1975.  Since this time we have been worshipping, serving and celebrating our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  We invite you to join us for worship at anytime.



Our Church 

Our Mission Statement accurately describes our church. We are indeed a joyful community which is called by Christ Jesus our Lord. We invite you to join us as we worship, serve and celebrate.

Sunday Morning Schedule
Sunday School 10:00 AM

Adult Choir Practice 10:00 AM
Worship 11:00 AM


The Lovefeast of the Moravian Church

This is based on the Agape feast and the meals of the early churches described in the Bible in the Acts of the Apostles, which were partaken in unity and love.

More about the practice of the Moravian Lovefeast.

The recently held event of our Mission Prayer Breakfast

Give Now To First Moravian Church of Georgia Congregation

Make your gift of offering and donation online to the First Moravian Church of Georgia congregation. We’re making it easier for you to support our church and Moravian ministries. Give online as the Spirit moves you from this location. Giving to First Moravian Church of Georgia is simple, safe, and secure using the online portal.

Bible Study/Conversations & Prayer

Bible Study/Conversations are held on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 via ZOOM.
These sessions are a means of strengthening the faith walk and encouraging spiritual growth. A session each month is dedicated to prayer.

Unity Amidst Diversity

Excerpts from a 2014 presentation to the Northern Province Synod of the Moravian Church in America. The Rev. Dr. Craig D. Atwood, Charles D. Couch Professor of Moravian Theology and Ministry at Moravian Theological Seminary, and Director of the Center for Moravian Studies, describes the Essentials, Ministerial, and Incidentals of our faith which have carried us from the Ancient Unity (1457) and are still relevant for us today.


God’s Mission in the world!

The Board of World Mission (BWM) is the overseas mission sending and support agency of the Moravian Church in America. It serves on behalf of the Alaska, Northern, and Southern Provinces of the Moravian Church in North America and of the Unity of the Brethren in Texas. The staff of the BWM is available to help answer your questions and help engage you, as you feel called to his ministry, in support of God’s Mission in the world!

The Board of World Mission serves on behalf of the Alaska, Northern, and Southern Provinces of the Moravian Church in North America and of the Unity of the Brethren in Texas. The staff of the BWM is available to help answer your questions and help engage you, as you feel called, in support of God’s Mission in the world!

Get involved in every area of our Church Ministry

Do you care passionately about improving your church leadership and the quality of our ministry? Join in to help in strategies for our church to be more effective, and more innovative through your time and stewardship.

We Need YOU!

Take Action Now!


Community Outreach

First Moravian Church of Georgia serves our community through various community programs such as The Net Food Pantry, The Quinn House, Blankets of Love and the Good Samaritan.

Net Food Pantry needs and as well as we need Blankets for our outreach. Please continue to provide and support for these needs all year round.

Net Food Pantry needs and as well as we need Blankets for our outreach. Please continue to provide and support for these needs all year round.


In loving Memory

Valrey May (Tennant) Watson, was born on February 7, 1939, a Tuesday, and she was unquestionably filled with grace. Valrey was first a teacher, then an ordained minister, but always a remarkable mother.

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Frank Lewis - An Inspiration

Why the AJC Peachtree Road Race means so much to this Moravian seasoned and senior runner.

In light of the challenges Frank faced he almost didn't run his usual annual road race. His wife died six days before this event but through his grief and pain and in in strong faith, he puts his game together one foot in front of the other and finish the race. He is an inspiration for us all. This video tells the story.

Granny's Attic needs your stuff. Look deep in the closets for discards that will be someone else's treasure.


Moravian Daily Text

The Daily Texts is a daily devotional guide published yearly since 1731. It is the oldest such guide in continuous use. Begun in Germany as a daily oral tradition, it soon became a regularly printed set of texts for each day of the year. The texts are chosen yearly in Germany for use in all editions of the Daily Texts throughout the world. The Old Testament text is chosen by lot from a collection of about 2,000 appropriate texts. The New Testament text is then selected to expand on the Old Testament text, to give some point of Christian doctrine or to match with the special celebrations of the church year. In the American edition, appropriate hymn verses and prayers are added for each day and chosen by designated writers of varying ages, both lay and clergy, for each month.

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Brief History brief the Moravian Daily Text.

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